Ten Best Slasher Films

Here’s another blog I made.  Another one?  Really?  Oh well, I like lists so this blog contains lists only.  Unlike my Best/Worst of the Year lists posted on my other blog (one of many), Best and Worst Films Archive, this one will contain top ten lists for specific genres.  Whenever people ask me what my favorite movie is, I never have a definitive answer so these entries will give you a general idea of what some of my favorite films are.  Agree or disagree, I don’t give a ‘eff’ (that’s your right)…
*Read any previous lists in the archive section at the bottom or by clicking on arrow at top left*


Here are ten slasher films I’m fond of.  Slasher films aren’t quite the same thing as body count films.  Don’t ask me to give a scientific explanation of the difference, it’s just something horror fans know (technically Jaws is a body count film, so until the shark starts wearing a mask and using a knife to off its victims, don’t confuse the two).  There’re many slasher films I enjoy watching despite not necessarily being that good.  The subgenre contains countless films to choose from so this particular list was hard but these ones stand out and I’ve watched them all a couple times…

Ten Favorite Slasher Films
1.    Black Christmas (1974)
2.    Friday the 13th (1980)
3.    Friday the 13th VI:  Jason Lives (it was the first one I saw)
4.    Halloween (1978)
5.    High Tension
6.    Jack Frost
7.    A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
8.    Silent Night, Deadly Night
9.    Sleepaway Camp 1-3 (they’re all short so I’m counting them as one with the first being the best)
10.  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

---Sean O.


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