Ten Best Evil Clown Movies

Here’s another blog I made.  Another one?  Really?  Oh well, I like lists so this blog contains lists only.  Unlike my Best/Worst of the Year lists posted on my other blog (one of many), Best and Worst Films Archive, this one will contain top ten lists for specific genres.  Whenever people ask me what my favorite movie is, I never have a definitive answer so these entries will give you a general idea of what some of my favorite films are.  Agree or disagree, I don’t give a ‘eff’ (that’s your right)…
*Read any previous lists in the archive section at the bottom or by clicking on arrow at top left*


I’ve always had a fascination with evil clowns.  Clowns in general, but the scary ones were always more appealing.  I don’t know why and can’t even think back for an explanation, it’s just one of those things I can’t answer.  The same way I can’t explain my obsession with horror movies in general.  Many people are afraid of clowns too, evil or not.  I guess what they say is true about one person’s trash being another person’s treasure.  Clown objects, toys and art are what appeal to me in addition to movies and TV shows featuring them.  Let’s face it though, there aren’t many evil clown movies and, more often than not, aren’t worthy regardless if containing a decent looking clown.  There has been a revival lately but quantity never equals quality.  That being said, there weren’t too many good films to choose from for this list even though I ended up omitting just a few.  I didn’t include movies that feature an evil clown but aren’t part of the overall story, like Poltergeist, The Cabin in the Woods, or House of 1000 Corpses and its sequel, The Devil’s Rejects (both with Captain Spaulding).  I watched the It remake twice and still wasn’t fully impressed.  I prefer the Tim Curry-starring one.  Klown Kamp Massacre, 100 Tears, S.I.C.K., Clown Hunt, and Sloppy the Psychotic were all decent despite being low-budget.  For those that may care, 100 Tears is much gorier in the unrated version, some instances even gag-inducing.  I separated the artist from the art with Clownhouse because it’s a fun ‘80’s movie but I still very much loathe how the director, Victor Salva, supposedly sexually abused the young actor(s) during the production.  I included two episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on nostalgia and, yes, I will include TV shows or episodes if I’m a big fan of them and can’t think of other films to round out the list.  Both Fear of Clowns movies include the sexiest evil clown (Shivers) I ever did see and the films themselves aren’t too bad either.  This and all my previous lists are always subject to change in case a new film comes out or I somehow remember one that bypassed my memory during the compiling.  Without further ado, here are some of my favorite evil clown films…

Ten Favorite Evil Clown Movies
1.            Clown*
2.            Clownhouse
3.            The Clown at Midnight
4.            “The Crimson Clown” (Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Season Three)
5.            Fear of Clowns
6.            Fear of Clowns 2
7.            It (1990)*
8.            Killer Klowns from Outer Space*
9.            “Laughing in the Dark” (Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Season One)
10.          Stitches

*indicates a standout title

---Sean O.


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